Home > AppLyst Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Last changed on April 13th, 2019
The Basics
This document describes the privacy policy for AppLyst. By using any of the AppLyst applications or services you are agreeing to this policy, which is considered part of the AppLyst Terms of Use.
Information Collected During Signup
During the signup process for an AppLyst account, we capture a few basic pieces of information about you. Here is a description of each data element we ask for and why we ask for it:
If you choose not to sign up with Facebook there are a few different reasons we ask for your email address to create an account:
We allow you to sign into AppLyst applications with your email address because for most people it's easier to remember than a username.
Should you forget your password, we can email you a link for resetting your password.
So you can be notified should any settings on your account be changed.
Zip Code - geographic location
When possible we attempt to capture your geographic location when you sign up for your account, sync with AppLyst or make other interactions with the service. We do this to help filter content appropriate to your location, such as showing schools nearby and displaying location specific ads to ad-supported accounts. We also use location to help detect any invalid use of the AppLyst applications and services.
preferred timezone
We attempt to capture your timezone when you create your account so that times are displayed in your timezone. When we're unable to determine your preferred timezone, we default to the "US/Eastern" timezone. You can change your timezone preference at any time by visiting your settings page.
The application you use to sign up for an account or to use AppLyst services is captured so that we know how to sync data between the application(s) you use and the website.
Device information
Information about the device(s) you use to access the AppLyst applications and services is captured to uniquely identify your devices for sync and to detect potential abuse of the system. This includes device identifiers, operating system versions, web browser information, ip addresses, device names and types.
We use this information to help improve your AppLyst experience. We will not share this information with a 3rd party (such as an AppLyst sponsor) or with other users in a way that reveals your identity unless you tell us to or if we are required to by law. We hate spam as much as you do, so no need to worry about giving us your email address.
You can enter a password when you create an AppLyst account. Your AppLyst password can be changed at any time by visiting your settings page.
Keep in mind the following:
It is important to choose a strong password that is not easy for a computer or someone that knows you well to guess.
Adding non-number/non-letter characters such as @, ?, #, $, % or ^ can help make your password harder to guess, but also harder to remember. Using one or perhaps two of those characters might be a good idea.
Do not assume that since we do not block a password you chose that it means you chose a "strong" password.
After you choose your password we store it encrypted in our database(s). We will never email it to you and we discourage you from using any service that does something like that.
Website Analytics
The AppLyst.Me website and Mobile App currently uses Google Analytics to provide information about its visitors. Each page on the site includes a small script that sends basic device information to Google, which is displayed in a dashboard for us to analyze. We use the data to understand things like what type of web browsers or mobile devices our users are using, how often users use the mobile App or visit the site, which pages users spend the most time on and what application flows might need to be improved. If you want to learn more, you can read the Google Analytics Privacy Overview, which includes information about how to opt-out of Google Analytics if you want to.
We reserve the right to use a different website analytics solution at some point. Should that day come, we will update this policy with information about the change.
Sharing Data
At this point there is no data sharing between user accounts or any 3rd party applications or services. You can only sync data between your AppLyst application(s) and the AppLyst website. We have some cool plans for the future of AppLyst that involves sharing with other users. In the meantime, know that we do take privacy very seriously and when those options arrive we will certainly be updating this policy, our Facebook and Twitter accounts and we will not share your AppLyst related data with other users, applications or services without your consent.
The current version of the AppLyst privacy policy can be found at We reserve the right to make changes to this policy. If we deem the revision is significant, we'll post an update to our Facebook and Twitter accounts and include a summary of the changes on this page. For any minor clarifications or typo fixes, we'll just make them without notification.
If you continue to use an AppLyst application or service after a privacy policy change, then you are agreeing to abide by the updated policy.